

What Motivates YOU?

Is it money, power, family, sex, job or all of the above? I guess this question would kinda depend on what stage you are at in your life, but what really makes you get out of bed in the morning? Is it your boring 9-5 job that is slowly killing you? I mean what keeps us humans going day in and day out. I guess some people just fall into a routine and wake up 20 years later and wonder where their lives went.... Everyone works their whole life just to retire, but by the time they get there it is too late and they have waisted the best part!

Hey, you might as well leave a comment, you know if you hit that next blog button it will just be a dead end with a page full of ads! Or you could go somewhere else......


txdave said...

What good questions you raise, and my only answer is that years ago I set as my life goal to enjoy my days and to grow as a person.

I did that for years thru a publishing career that was very good to me.

Then I retired early, company bought out, and my retirement has been rich with fun part-time jobs.

Now I have 7 blogs which help me enjoy my days and grow thru the creativity the blogs express.

Same good goal, long life.

1Green Thumb said...

It is good to see that people enjoy my writings. Thanks for displaying my work I really do appreciate it. I see that you have a google group so I will invite you to my own, you can find it here

Feel Free to join and post whatever you like. Good luck to you and thanks again!

Unknown said...

Very well written.
I'm impressed.
And sometimes, that takes a lot!

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